Abigail loves preschool and I love having her in preschool. When she walks in to the room she gets busy painting, exploring and creating. I am always curious as to what fun thing they will be doing and I wish I could stay and play too. One morning I walked into the class and it smelt so delicious. Ms. Jessica was making ornaments with just two ingredients, cinnamon and applesauce. She was using cookie cutters to shape them like gingerbread men, so cute! Now, Ms. Jessica has made some neat things. She really draws in all the senses especially eyes and nose. During Halloween she made orange and black glitter dough scented with pumpkin extract. She has made flubber scented with peppermint, this one actually looks and smells as if it was made with scope. I always look at these things and think I should do that at home. Well, finally I decided to actually put that thought into action. I was going to make the cinnamon and applesauce ornaments with Abigail at home. It is simple enough 1 1/2 cups of cinnamon and 1 1/2 cups of applesauce, so basically equal amount of each ingredient.
So Abigail, Mason, and I got to work. I mixed, and mixed and was overwhelmed with the wonderful scent. Mason helped do the measuring.
Okay maybe he just played with the measuring cups and ate Cheerios! Then, not know how the dough was suppose to be I continued to add a little bit of cinnamon here and there and Abigail helped mix it up with her little hands. Of course those kept making it into her mouth and why not, applesauce and cinnamon... yummy! I placed the dough between two sheets of wax paper and Abigail rolled out the dough. She absolutely loved doing this. She also loved the scent because she kept smelling the roller. Notice it is a crafting brayer, I don't actually have a rolling pin. We used different shaped cookie cutters and put a hole at the top of each ornament with a straw. We set them on cookies trays and put them aside for 48 hours. This of course is where I would should post the picture of our fabulous homemade ornaments. Notice the lack of a photo? Well, that little bit of cinnamon that was added here and there was too much. When they finally dried they just crumbled at my touch. Maybe I should have just followed directions! My house smelt like Christmas for two days, and Abigail and Mason had fun, so there is our keepsake!
This is a couple of bonus pictures from when we decorated our Christmas tree. This tree was given to us and I don't think we could have purchased one half as nice! What a beautiful blessing.
Popcorn Picture Frame
6 years ago
What a bummer! At least you and Abby got to do something fun together and you could always make it again....following the recipe this time. ;-)
I think I'll try these with the twins next year, I'm going to save the recipe so I don't forget.
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